Friday, April 29, 2011

Chapter 29

"First Charles Cheswick and now William Bibbit! I hope you're finally satisfied. Playing with human lives—gambling with human lives—as if you thought of yourself to be a God!" (266).

After the Big Nurse saw that Billy Bibbit had slit his own throat, she walked straight to McMurphy and started yelling at him. She believes he is the reason that they are now both dead and it is his fault that no one is behaving properly anymore. She is upset because she has lost to McMurphy, and says he thinks of himself as a "God". She is just humiliated and looking for someone to take it out on and uses McMurphy as her scapegoat.

"For the rest of the afternoon Scanlon and Martini and I ridiculed what Scanlon called the crummy sideshow fake lying there on the Gurney..." (268).

When McMurphy returned from being away for so long, he was different. But the guys in the ward did not believe for one second that that was the real McMurphy. It did not seem to be alive. It did not move or speak, but laid there for the rest of the day. Everyone thought that the Big Nurse just sent this thing out there to get them to believe that that was really McMurphy. They knew that McMurphy had won the battle with the Big Nurse, and he was just too good at getting to her that she could not do anything.

"The big hard body had a tough grip on life. It fought a ling time against having it taken away, flailing and thrashing around so much I finally had to lie full length on top of it and scissor the kicking legs with mine while I mashed the pillow into the face" (270).

That night after McMurphy had returned and everyone was asleep, Chief decided to do something about McMurphy. He knew it was really him and knew what the Big Nurse had done. He decided to kill McMurphy so that the other guys did not have to see him like this. As long as they did not see that the Big Nurse had won in the end, his spirit would live on inside the walls of the ward. The other guys would still think highly of him and appreciate everything he had done while he was there. In the end they will believe that it was McMurphy that won and not Big Nurse Ratched.

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