Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Chapter 24

" Papa says if you don't watch it people will force you one way or the other, into doing what they think you should do , or into just being mule-stubborn and doing the opposite at of spite." (179)
The Chief remember this quote from his Papa, this is such a good passage to relate to the Big Nurse (BN) because she is all about control and having power of the men in the ward. Like she likes telling them when to brush their teeth, etc. The BN likes the control that she gets from the fellow men for example he control over billy's emotions, his reaction whenever she brings up how he is not holding up to his moms expectations. Its just that she gets them where she wants them to be or "force you one way or the other.. into doing what they think you should do". Big Nurse in her head has a way of doing things because she believes that thats the way it should be and no one can tell her anything!

" The other Acutes were beginning to follow his lead. Harding began flirting with all the student nurse, and Billy Bibbit completely quit writing what he used to call his 'observations' in the log book" (177)

After McMurphy started standing up to the Big N and changing things around in the ward, many of the acutes seem to follow and thats a very big step for them. The Acutes are starting to break out of the shell the nursed had them in for a while. Even though at frist it was a big game to McMurphy, I think he then realized how much of an impact it made on the boys. This quote is very important for this chapter because it’s the big stepping stone for them to get the lives back into their control and finally be themselves like the chief always was afraid to be.

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