Quotes and commentary: The Power of Laughter

"Nobody can tell exactly why he laughs; there's nothing funny going on. But it's not the way that Public Relation laughs, it's free and loud and it comes out of his wide grinning mouth and spreads in rings bigger and bigger till it's lapping against the walls all over the ward. Not like that fat Public Relation laugh. This sounds real. I realize all of a sudden it's the first laugh I've heard in years" (16)

"(Nobody ever dares let loose and laugh. The whole staff'd be in with notebooks and a lot of questions)" (19)

"I thought at first that he was laughing because of how funny it looked. An Indian's face and black, oily Indian's hair on somebody like be. I though maybe he was laughing about how weak I looked. He wasn't fooled for one minute . . ." (26).